Sim Functions for CM

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This page contains a list of commands and functionality that may be performed on Sims via Control Menu


Modify Age

  • Set Age - This command will allow you to change the age of the target Sim.
    • The outfits of the Sim will be updated to match their new age as well.
    • Warning: After changing the Sim to another age, changing them back will not restore their original outfits!

Modify Traits

  • Set Personality Traits - This command will allow you to change the personality traits of your Sim.
    • The limit is set by the game, so if you have a mod that changes the limit in the vanilla function, it will also change the limit here!
  • Remove Traits - This command will allow you to remove any traits from your Sim, including Hidden ones.
    • Some traits are not available for removal, such as those required for S4CM to function as well as Age, Gender, Species, and Occult traits.
    • Other mods may also remove or prevent their traits from appearing in this menu as well!

Modify Buffs

  • Remove Buffs - This command will allow you to remove any buffs from your Sim, including Hidden ones.
    • Some buffs are not available for removal, such as those required for S4CM to function as well as Age, Gender, Species, and Occult buffs.

Modify Occult

  • Remove All Occults - This command will remove all Occult types from the Sim, this includes Alien, Mermaid, Servo, Skeleton, Vampire, and Witch.
  • Become Alien - This command will turn the target Sim into an Alien.
  • Become Mermaid - This command will turn the target Sim into a Mermaid.
  • Become Plant Sim - This command will turn the target Sim into a Plant Sim.
  • Become Servo - This command will turn the target Sim into a Servo. Warning: All of the outfits of the Sim will become the Servo body, attempting to remove this Occult type will not restore the outfits they had previously!
  • Become Skeleton - This command will turn the target Sim into a Skeleton temporarily. Outfits will not be modified.
  • Become Vampire - This command will turn the target Sim into a Vampire.
  • Become Witch - This command will turn the target Sim into a Witch.

Modify Skills

  • Set Skill Levels - This command will allow you to set the level a Sim is in any Skill available in the game (Even custom ones)
  • Remove All Skills - This command will allow you to reset all Skills of a Sim to zero.
  • Max All Skill - This command will allow you to set all Skills to Max for a Sim.

Modify Currency

  • Add Simoleons - This command will add an amount of Simoleons to the household of the target Sim.
    • Upon selection, you may enter how many simoleons.
  • Remove Simoleons - This command will remove an amount of Simoleons from the household of the target Sim.
    • Upon selection, you may enter how many simoleons.

Modify Relationships

  • Set Family Relations - This command will let you set the Family relation the target Sim has with another Sim.
    • Upon choosing this command, you will be allowed to choose another Sim and then choose their new relation.
    • This command also allows removal of Family relations between Sims.
    • When you choose this command, you may also tell the mod to update the Family Tree. It will update all types of relations, from blood relations to step relations!
  • Set Friendship Level - This command will let you set the Friendship level between the target Sim and another Sim.
    • Upon choosing this command, you will be allowed to choose another Sim and then choose their new relationship level.
  • Set Romance Level - This command will let you set the Romance level between the target Sim and another Sim.
    • Upon choosing this command, you will be allowed to choose another Sim and then choose their new relationship level.
    • This command is unavailable for Sims that are a Teen and Adult combination, are a different Species, are Blood Related, or are younger than a Teen.
  • Forget Sims - This command will let you remove the relationship they have with any Sims you choose (Like a memory wipe). It will be as if they had never even met!


  • Create Pregnancy - This command will allow you to impregnate the target Sim using the genetics from another Sim.
    • Upon choosing this command, you will be allowed to choose another Sim to impregnate the target Sim.
    • Sims that are a Teen and Adult combination, are a different Species, are Blood Related, or are younger than a Young Adult will not be available.
    • Only Sims that may become pregnant will have this option enabled.
  • Induce Labor - This command will force the target Sim to go into labor and give birth, if they are pregnant.
  • Clear Pregnancy - This command will allow you to stop the pregnancy of the target Sim.